Laura Madden

3 October

Learn why keeping the LOVE in my life is so important to me!

I often speak about LOVE, self-love, and living our passions, and how these can relate to our health and our weight. This is the foundation of my work!I LOVE it!

Details here: 

Don’t miss out!!  Along with me, their will be a panel of experts sharing their own words of wisdom and many FREE giveaways! You can sign up here, & you’ll get all the details you need and so many FREE goodies from each of the speakers, including myself!

It’s FREE & you can participate in the comfort of your own home!  

I’m one of the featured experts to be interviewed on the topic of LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS!  Who doesn’t want to be LOVED & adored for who they really are, even if it’s just by our own selves- this makes a world of difference in how we show up in the world.  When we feel we are loved & accepted fully, we are more comfortable and willing to BE who we really are and show our true colors- which, my friends, is the MOST BEAUTIFUL thing you could do for yourself!

I want to know what you think?  Leave a comment below, or join the conversation on the Facebook page & share with someone you love.

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