Join me as one of the featured speakers during this upcoming virtual event.  On the web or on the phone, listen to the calls for up to 24 hours.

Click here to register:


Love and relationship with ourself & others is a multi-layered discussion, no doubt.  Make sure you sign up for the FREE 3-day online event Oct. 9-11.  All of your relationship questions will finally be answered!

 I know you have been so busy, life seems to have a long “to do” list, right? Kinda gets old doesn’t it?
 It is time to add yourself and your soul mate to that list.
 Because I believe so very passionately about women having
the most amazing relationships of their lives,  I want to share a special event with you. 
And, I am happy to be a featured speaker.
It is put on by my good friend, Mary Bicknell, The Relationship Tour Guide. She is hosting a FREE 3-Day Virtual Event, October 9th-11th.
The name of the event is, “How to Keep Love Fresh, Alive and Growing”.
 Here is the website link for you to reserve your FREE virtual seat:
You have been asking how to:
  •  sustain a relationship full of love and vitality for a lifetime
  •  feel more connected and better understood
  •  have more romance, even though you think your schedule is already packed
This event will bring together a wealth of knowledge from some of the leading relationship coaches, therapists and experts. Together, they have helped thousands of people improve, repair and create long-term, deliciously wonderful love relationships.
You will learn:
  • How to keep your relationship from getting stale and feeling old.
  • How to be happy with your own beautiful, amazing self and in your relationship.
  • How to understand the different ways to communicate your needs.
  • How to get clear on what your partner is saying to you.
  • How to overcome fear, be the person you want to be and feel confident you have the power to create the love and romance of a lifetime.
You will have actions steps to use that very day so you can have the relationship of your dreams.
I know you want to know how to create and sustain a relationship with your beloved, and I believe you can have it!
It always seems so much harder than it really is to make changes within your relationship. You can learn how to make simple changes that will build your relationship up!
Keeping your relationship fresh, alive and growing means you will enjoy a lifetime of sparks, romance and commitment!
We know your relationship can improve and change more quickly than you imagine. In fact, the calls are only about 30-40 minutes long. When you get off the phone you will have tips and techniques you can implement that very day!
And just so you know, the speakers are not just talking to you about how to improve your relationship, they are walking it.
Here is the link again to reserve your complimentary virtual seat:

XO Laura
p.s. INSTANT BONUS: When you grab your seat you will be immediately given a free surprise gift, I know will show you how to have a better love life!

p.p.s. Share with your friends, it is always fun to hear what nugget of info they took away from the calls!  Invite them to learn how to keep their own relationship fresh, alive and growing! insert affiliate link


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